'The camera sees more than I can, so I give it plenty of rope and watch what happens...'


Smithsonian American Art Museum Collection

Forty Minutes in Novato, 1975.

Russian Hill, San Francisco (View of Harbor), 1975

Jerry wrote "Since I shoot instinctively I don't mind if things are a little shaky or if there are blurs or things out of focus. If the picture is holding itself together, then these things are expressing time and life for me.
I can look at a picture, and what I remember is not just me standing there at that corner, but what I remember is getting high while I was taking the picture.
If you kiss someone who is really beautiful, you get off, and the same thing is true when you take a picture.
You should feel as if you're glowing. Sometimes I could swear I was overexposing my own picture just from standing there.
I hope that those feelings come through."

- From the book by Lustrum Press, "Darkroom" 1977.

I found these images in the Smithsonian American Art Museum Collection, along with other photographs already included on this site.

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